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quote / pic by dapper_grandiose_fashion (instagram) |
▪ just like one says "knives, forks, scissors & fire aren't meant for
little kids to play with" - a lady should say "trust, loyalty, faith
& emotions aren't meant for little boys to play with". a man isn't
much more than a "grown up" boy - so he will play and mess around with
the given trust & heart from a lady which are very delicate and easy
to break, therefor you shouldn't give those things away easily - he
won't respect and appreciate it in a proper way. what sets apart a
gentleman from a man is that he indeed knows the value of your given
trust & feelings that come along with his emotional interaction with
you - he won't crave and run after the attention from other ladies by
giving them his more than obvious attention. a gentleman knows that by
doing so he risks to lose one of the biggest and most important things
that glue the bond he has with his lady - trust, without that everything
else will become more and more fragile. it shakes up a lady's self
assurance and her view on you - don't be one more reason for her to
doubt that true gentlemen still exist. If a man can't stay focussed on
one lady at a time - in fact his lady that gave him her heart - then he
should give it back and as he isn't a worthy gentleman any longer, he
shouldn't dare to accept given trust & feelings as he doesn't handle
them with respect. be a gentleman, take responsibility & show her
that you are way more worthy than other men who crave for her - she
chosed you to be the worthy heart & trust keeper - don't ruin it by
pointless flirting & staring, giving away the attention she
deserves, no other lady than her. be worth her trust and she'll give you
much more in return - unconditional and faithfull love which is paired
with admiration & affection only meant for you. ▪ - Sarah Jessica
edit for gentlemen: you shouldn't find yourself in a situation where you have to think twice if your actions are doubtful, especially when it might cause you to think "she won't notice it anyway" or "i'll simply delete it afterwards"- as soon one of these thoughts pop up in your head, that's a damn huge alert signal for you to doubt yourself!!!! because you know that it's not right!
before you interact with others, especially other women, consider at least one of the following thoughts that should run through your mind first - and i mean seriously first(!) everytime:
"if my lady would read/hear my conversation with that other woman on FB/IG/etc...."
- would i still say/write the same things
- would i still be that overly "generous" aka flirty
- would i still suggest to meet up at some time (omfg i cringe while typing that - fuck that shit HELLOO)
- would i still like her half naked pictures on FB or IG (that makes me go big chunky coconuts, seriously i fucking hate that)
- would i still send all those stupid smiley faces
- would i still need to delete my convo after that
- would i still complement her on looking so bangin hot (or whatever crap men write)
- would i still be able to say about myself that i'm a nice guy (no not because your lying to yourself and defending yourself that it's sooooooo super normal to write in that way with other women - no it's not - basta)
- would i still show my own convo/txt to my lady (yeh that says it all)
- how would my lady feel when she heard/saw it
- would my lady feel disrespected
- would my lady doubt my faithfulness
- would my lady feel jealous about giving away my attention to other women
- would my lady feel sad about my flirty behavior
- would my lady lose trust and faith in me
- would my lady lose her precious point of view on me
- would my lady feel hurt
- would my lady be able to be happy with me after that
- how would i feel if she did the same things with other men
- how would i feel when she is txting with other men behind my back
- how would i feel when she likes half naked pics of other men
- how would i look at her if she did those things
- would i trust her any longer
- would i respect her any longer
if you can count yourself a lucky man because you have someone special at your side - then please, do yourself a favor and think twice - 99% of the interaction with random women who don't have anything to do with your worklife/family etc is pointless and just flirty because you need attention and ego boost. as i said, if you can't handle to focus on one lady at a time, then you don't deserve a true lady who would give her all to you. and the bad thing is you know exactly what you can lose - but mostly you think you won't lose it.
you are wrong.
and there are a lot of disrespectful things that a lady can experience, but she should never experience disrespect from you by actually showing her that you can do better with other women - and yes, that's the hurtful impression you make with your actions. and don't try to defend such cheap behavior with words like "it's just texting or it's just liking her picture, i wouldn't do anything in real life" - this is the real life!!!!!!!!!!! or were you dreaming that you texted her? fuck no - you were doing it, right here right now!!!! man up for your lady or sit back and let her have a real gentleman who appreciates her true value and knows why he's with her and not with one of the others - because she will make him happier than anyone else ever could. so please pay her respect and don't drag her public & personal self assurance down - it will make her look & feel stupid. whenever i see a man who's in a relationship and acts all flirty with other women it just makes me cringe and feel bad for his girlfriend - and THAT is something very important to us ladies, how others see our relationship and therefor "us" as our relationship represents a big part of ourself and yes it makes us feel embarrassed when everyone around us notices what kind of flirty douche bag we have. a lady wants to be proud of her man & her relationship, don't ruin that.
if we just reflect for a short moment how our partner would feel about it, or much easier - how WE would feel about our partner's behavior - then we all would benefit from less frustration, disappointment & hurt.