Dienstag, 5. März 2013

#3 inspired post

pic/quote by dapper_grandiose_fashion (Instagram)

▪ intimacy and lust might appear as the same to some people - intimacy goes hand in hand with affection, desire and most of all trust & respect. without them it's pure lust, without them it's just regular quick exchange of satisfaction. intimacy requires also a lot of time and feelings - i'm not talking about love explicit - love needs to be seed and grows over a long long time before it blooms in all it's beauty, when it finally does it will take it to a whole new stage, but now it's more about the bond you feel between eachother that brings unconditional joy in pleasing and feeling eachother. You let yourself down and you experience desire without any worries that hold you back - you just go with the flow without shame towards one another, it just feels right and no matter what you do, respect is always given. and no, a "friends with benefits" or "f*** buddy" thing could never ever go that far. people might think that pure lust is all that it takes to experience phenomenal physical sex. i can't make you imagine or understand what I'm talking about - nobody can - until you find yourself in pure intimacy on the highest scale with someone you truly feel and "see" with your mind, heart & soul. sharing all of the essential affection, trust, respect and desire for eachother makes sex to something more wonderful & special than lust could ever do! it's a mental, heart & physical trip you will experience and don't get confused when you think eachtime get's better and better when you already thought that there can't be any higher ladder to climb - because each time your bond grows harder and stronger like carbon which turns into a diamond - creating a bond which lasts a lifetime. once you found somebody who you experienced something like that with - you shouldn't let that person go because you might never connect to someone to the fullest like that again - setting a strong & special foundation for happiness & peace of mind and soul ▪

- Sarah Jessica

edit: by experiencing the above you give a man the oppertunity to look beyond your sex appeal and keep his subconscious busy with puzzling out the fact why it feels right.. more than ever and why it never looses a single bit of it's mindblowing taste after all. yes, one might say that things you do often become routine quickly and due to that it results in quantity instead of quality - true. the thing is "that" was never something usual - since the beginning respect was given, trust was gained and mixed with something you can call "invisible lemongrass" because you can't really define this special kind of "ingredient" that made you two click - all of that made something one of a kind. so i say no, this isn't something that will become routine... ever.

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