Mittwoch, 2. Oktober 2013

#2 astrology - aquarius quotes

pic by
my quotes can be found on my twitter account: l3mongrasss

***= nailed it

#aquarius & #libra make a damn good team - joke around like kids, argue like adults, protect eachother like siblings and fuck like pornstars ***

an plays it cool most of the time but if they are in love with you they'll be sweet nd a little shy around you

#aquarius is way too bubbly for 0815 - we'll get depressed in no time ***

#aquarius in love is like an unicorn throwing up rainbows ***

an lady is the one who doesn't mind a jealous lover, infact we feel even more valuable

#aquarius wants to feel possessed and protected by her lover - not caged though but secure ***

#aquarius once they feel fully accepted and understood, they will love unconditionally

as soon as the mind of an starts to dry out because you can't stimulate them enough - they'll walk away. ***

#aquarius doesn't know any boundaries in their mind - our mind is free, a true fantasy world, nothing you can get a hold of

#aquarius enjoys a fresh breeze of inspiration

treat an heart like fire - warm yourself but don't grab it cuz u will get burned

#aquarius' ego knows how loss tastes - cold bitterness with spicy frustration - but it doesn't know surrender because she refuses to order bullshit ***

#aquarius isn't a typical sign to chase others - we turn silent between the bushes nd shoot you straight through your heart.

#aquarius doesn't invest all of her time to simply give up just because the other clown stopped dancing

when stops talkin nd only nods her head - she is like a tickin timebombe, watch your next words.

#aquarius love shouts for addiction

#aquarius appreciates alone time - we are great at communicating but smetimes we love to communicate with silence or we aren't that into you. that's all ***

whats that u hidin behind ur mind? typical concern

#aquarius doesn't leave scratchmarks on ur back - she'll leave them on your wall with her nailpolish

#aquarius is down for bringin heat under your sheets - she'll penetrate you mentally, physically and emotionally.

rumors and gossip don't hold back an from shining bright like a fuckin diamond - straight in ur face ***

#aquarius has a hyper mind - give them too much coffee nd they dive in deep.

#aquarius is a very unpredictable sign, we come up with the weirdest ideas nd go for them. even if we have to do it alone

is it so obvious? is a weird sign. as soon as u think u know us, we'll surprise you that u don't know even half

she fears mind darkness more than darkness itself

leaving you wondering how sweetest winter smells, you'll believe sweetest winter is all you ever needed.

she'll laugh and smile in your face but she'll never show her pain

she'll be the one who haunts your mind each day and night

she arrives as a shy creature, she looks through your mind, she passes you by like a mysterium and she'll leave you wondering

#aquarius reads your mind & heart pretty fast - if you are like a fat fat book, then we'll be highly interested and won't stop wondering

#aquarius will mostly fall in love with a person they admire for being different, inspiring and being a lil mysterious or crazy ***

you'll notice if an is interested or not - they can't hide their cheeky smile and that admiring look in their eyes ***

an doesn't follow trends - we set our own trends!

#aquarius is the sign that will most likely experiment without fearing failure ***

an is good at "fake it till you make it" just so they don't kill the mood when with others.

the heart of an is biiiig, often too big.

#aquarius ladies often go for natural looks but when they doll up, they doll up to make your head turn.

an can be the life of the party and disappear silently in the next moment. ***

every loves fantasy & sci fi stuff ***

a quiet is a thinking aquarius, we can daydream all day, our mind never runs dry - we have a huge imagination.

#aquarius is a very cheerful person with a loud laughter - we always find a reason to laugh ***

an lady is attracted to ppl who are different. no need to tell us, we know if u just playin "I'm different" or if you're real ***

an seems like an open book, don't think you know it all - we know what to tell and what not. we are just way more open!

a real challenge for every - hold in their laughter in serious situations. 9/10x we fail - BADLY ***

the mind of an can't be caught or arrested. our mind is free like the wind - we are the wind, the sun, the clouds and the sky

#aquarius has a weakness for kinky stuff in bedroom ***

#Aquarius is a very risky person - we jump into the cold water without hesitation - mastering every challenge on our own.

an lady won't look the same for a long time - we love to change and recreate ourselves

an lady needs a man who can catch up to her weird humor ***

#aquarius is attracted to those who can teach them new interesting ways and inspire them to look beyond their own horizon ***

the more you let your breath, the more they will return into your arms - happily

#aquarius might come across as aloof sometimes - they are free like the wind, don't try to get a hold on them. don't force them.

#aquarius & is a difficult mix - one second they talk for hours, the next second they devour eachother - in the end they have WW3

#aquarius loves to provoke and shock others with their freeminded way of seeing the world through eyes which reflect rebellion and adventure ***

#aquarius is best with other air signs as libra or gemini , maybe emotional water signs as cancer or pisces since they appreciate deeper connections. just don't be boring

#aquarius add air to fire and watch it grow to an uncontrollable mess - aquarius with aries or leo. explosive

#aquarius ladies can get caught up in daily obligations pretty fast - don't mistake this as disinterest

  appreciates thoughtful lovers who are able to express their love verbally, only actions won't make it for the insecure aquarius ***

same shit different day - rarely says that

what an loves even more than laying in bed all day - laying in bed all day with the one they love

#aquarius is prone to giving away too many chances

if an loses her friends at a party - she'll party on all night long   ***

an has a life full of ups nd downs, "whatever"s and "well shit happens" - you'll rarely hear "what if"

#aquarius ladies will most likely hang with guys - they're not into drama, fake smiles and bitchiness. they make good buddies

an can be very fierceful in their mind & heart

#Aquarians will come nd leave at a party whenever they feel like - like u've never seen it ***

she can sit there all night until her favorite song comes up - your lady will set the floor on fire ***

at a party you'll find an lady happily dancing for herself in a corner - no spotlight diva - she'll observe the crowd

#aquarius women have something bubbly yet mysterious about them, they will stay on your mind

#aquarius enjoys walking in the rain as much as they enjoy going out for a nightwalk by themselves -

#aquarius in love enjoys to show off their lover

in love will talk almost non stop about their lover - praising him/her all the way from head to toe ***

an might be caught up in many plans for the weekend but will bail out in the last second

no passion? no love from your

one moment can be all over you - in the next moment you might admire them from afar

an is a restless and most of the time sleepless being - usually - in love they will sleep like a bear in winter

my tweets here are like one big monologue with myself - not weird at all - I'm , we often talk to ourselves

#aquarius will seduce you first via the mind - getting you hooked on a whole new level

#aquarius will come up with the weirdest ideas at the weirdest moments - "how do you come up with this now?!" - well I'm aquarius #nuffsaid ***

do an #Aquarius wrong in the worst way, they'll play it cool - but inside they already have a plan on how to teach you a lesson

an #aquarius will always try to help you, even when you behave like a total douchebag - believing everyone can change for the better one day

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