Sonntag, 26. Mai 2013

#9 ladies only - back to basics

today's society changed us ladies - the way we talk, the way we walk, the way we love. i dare to say that we might have lost our ladylike side.

in my opinion every woman should behave proportional to her value - her self esteem- and that should be sky high! i know we've all been there, falling for someone who we thought he was the one - but it failed. what does that tell you? no, don't come up with i'm not attractive/sexy enough - probably he wasn't ready.

a lady's value is expressed by the way she walks, talks and loves - walk like a goddess, talk like a queen and love like venus.

be able to fulfill a man's mental needs, be a woman who knows what's around her, knows where her money comes from, knows how to earn it with her intelligence, give him something to think about - twirl with your mental eyelashes, be mind blowing with your mental wittiness and strength - talk with sweet diplomacy, keep your head were it belongs, up high with grace, let him want to show you his mental value - fascinate him with your beautiful smile that reaches your eyes. keep your humor, talk straight but with discretion, keep your soft look - a look that tries to read his heart and mind, understand him but never lose your ground - stand it - and be kind with your words.

smoking and drinking is nothing "unladylike" if you do it with elegance mixed with a little spice in your eyes, it is absolutely lady like. keep your table manners and hold up your posture, when your feet hit the ground, it demonstrates your grace and value, when you smile it demonstrates your heart's treasure, when you kiss it demonstrates your passion in purity.

if you talk to me, impress my mind with your chivalry, take me on a mental trip with your deep and rich personality, keep me with your daring and brave heart. teach me something, show me the other point of view. make me admire you - before i adore you. undress me with the mental affection i have for you, tease me with your masculine traits, make me vulnerable with your heart's language. be dominant and self assured when you bed talk with me, teach me new passion, show me passion and i'll teach you a new language full of love, desire and happiness. know him better than he knows himself, know his darkest facets and turn them into his brightest.

a man who impresses me first via my mind, conquers me first via my mind and keeps me like a proud king - he shall have it all, if he earns it step by step.

keep up with my passion, show me each time that there aren't any limits, no routine, love me each day like it was the first and last - make me lose my mind, pulling the sheets and scream out my desire for you. hold me like it's the first and last time, make my mind never run out of thirst.

but before we should even think about it - be a lady, be proud, smart, loving, forgiving and brave - mr charming and mr prince will step aside as mr king walks along our way.

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