Donnerstag, 18. April 2013

#8 inspired post

when picking my accessories for a night out i mostly go with nice, big earrings and something for my wrist - but last but not least i take my smile with me. in my opinion it's the most magnetizing thing a woman can chose out of hundred others things to wear - a nice bright smile that reaches the eyes.

imagine this: you are a guy, who is out to have a blastin fun time with his boys. same as all of the other 100 people in the club at the same time - oh here we go, some fucked up chicks who look quite hot. yeh, but they look so bored, arrogant and seem to be full with themselves - 7 days raining? hey check out that girl over there, damn what a nice smile - she must be havin a good time.

when i look around i often see beautiful women but something is missing, they barely smile! yeh they might laugh - especially when they are already fucked up - but i rarely see big happy smiles. smiling from the heart makes you happy and others too! i love it when people smile at me and i can see their eyes smiling too - i see enough moody and "emo-like" people everyday! is it so hard or does it hurt so much to smile?! oh wait if so, emos would smile the whole time lol people pass by me, saying "good morning" without smiling, that's like giving me a glass without water in it!!!! i don't need anyone to tell me good morning when they can't overcome themselves to smile a little at least.

i love when i can't hold back my smile because i'm overly excited or just ridiculously happy about something - that happens pretty fast though. do you know that nice feeling when you can make someone else more happy because you kinda glow happiness? even if i'm down or upset about something - often it takes just a little fun or some stupid things and there you have me - all smiling again. guess that is kind of a little curse, a nice looking one though, but i tend to forgive within the same second as a huge smile runs over my lips. i'm not a person to be mad at someone for long, i often curse myself because i figure out that i simply can't "hate" someone, although i say you should never carry hate in your heart, you surely get my point. no matter how mad i can get for a few minutes, an authentic sorry, a lil hug and a funny face and i'm over it. guess that's a matter of your personality, as some people can be mad at you for soooo long it's ridiculous.

why waste your precious beauty & lifetime with looking and feeling all sad and worthless? big up and look in the mirror, there is so much to love about everyone, why not start with yourself? i don't have a perfect shaped face and no i don't wear size 0 nor do i look like a model - but i'm happy with myself!!!! and that's my way of expressing my beauty. a smile can be inspired by many things or people, but how can it be inspired if it isn't there in the first place - so be happy with yourself first and the rest will follow. i'll have wrinkles when i'm getting older, but heck those will be mainly smiling-wrinkles!!!

so the next time you are unsure which accessorie will make you look the best - chose a big fat ass happy smile.

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