Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2013

#22 ladies only - men love bitches

she looks fab, she's bad, she pulls men's attention like light does with flies so they buzz around it until they burn, she never runs out of men wanting to be with her (probably for fucking her anyways but that's not the point), she isn't all nicey nicey so she drops her potencial lovers within seconds, she has a cocky attitude , she is a bitch in the eyes of others - why the fuck are men so fascinated by her and keep chasing that bitch when you can't keep a man's attention and effort although you see yourself as every man's blessing? do you find yourself in situations thinking "dude, why can't you see with anything else than your avarage dick and see what kind of wifey-type i am?" probably continuing with "i'm different/my pussy rides cock like no one else/i'm like the creme de la creme/i'm not a basic bitch/etc"

well the difference between you and mrs bitch-who-pulls-more-attention-than-you-and-gets-the-guy is simple: she thinks AND acts like she is a big catch for no man to miss, if he does then she waves a big "get outta my eyeseight dude" sign. it is irrelevant if she is a nice person with a good heart or if she'd be a loving girlfriend who supports her man and cares for him - i bet most of those "successful" maneaters are drop dead wasted souls with no gut at all - BUT and here's what you should learn from those superior bitches: they might be stupid and cocky and all that stuff that would make you give them a high five with a chair but they have boundaries and furthermore they stick to them regardless if mr average knocks on their door or if mr omg-he's-hot does so. they treat every man equal, they don't allow themselves to unleash their inner emotional whore who ruins everything and gives you a free seat to destination "heartbrake", no they keep themselves in check and have clear dating rules.

trust me ladies, i'm the last one who likes cocky, narcissistic, stupid barbie bitches who show off nonstop - looking fab with their makeup 23/7, running around "naked" one hour of the day when they scratch that shit off their faces and look basic just like everyone of us does when we wake up. i dislike women whose minds are dry like the dessert, the only impression they can make is with their perfect outlook and the only concerns they deal with are "where did you get those high heels / omg why isn't my name on the guestlist" - but it's not about what you think of those girls, at the end of the day they attract more potencial lovers than you. don't panic you don't need - and please, really don't consider that - to transform into the next superbitch, you wouldn't feel happy with it in the long run nor your friends or family. no one likes fucked up bitches - not even men - they don't run after their cocky narcissistic asses, they get hooked because those women challenge them, they give them a great possibility to conquer something - men love to conquer! and it's not explicit about how long or how hard the conquest is, it's about "feeling" that there is something to lock down before someone else does because it seems so promising and great. maybe it's just that mysterious thing about those women because they keep those men at armslength emotionally and physically. as i mentioned once, having sex on the first date isn't a complete no go - it's about how you act afterwards.

let's have a seat, grab some icecream or wine - oh did i mention i prefer captain morgan - however, let's start with this overview where i compare mrs basic bitch with mrs bitch-who-gets-the-guy.

initiating via texting (whatsapp/fb/mail/etc)

basic bitch: initiates - texts him first almost every time
alpha wolf: doesn't initiate - texts him back equally to the amount he texts if not even less - isn't glued to the phone waiting for him to text

basic texting

basic bitch: texts more than he does - continues textshitting him even if he didn't reply to her last text - drowns him with smileys especially if he started sending those stupid heart smileys eventhough he doesn't know her really - texts him essays - texts back asap
alpha wolf: texts him back equally to the amount of his replies - doesn't continue texting when she didn't get a reply - doesn't send any of those emotional smileys - doesn't text essays - texts in a nice short way - doesn't always reply in an instant because she has other things on her mind

he doesn't call / he "disappears" suddenly / he becomes unreliable

basic bitch: texts him from time to time hoping things win back intensity - if he comes back after he didn't write her for a few days/weeks although he was supposed to answer her last text, she replies gladfully in an instant - doesn't question his intentions or why he disappeared without a word - tries to play it cool although she is disappointed somehow
bitch: doesn't run after him - she cuts him off completely because she knows a man who is truly interested won't disappear out of nothing 

just to name some differences between a basic bitch and bitch-who-gets-the-guy, i bet we were all in the role of the basic bitch at some time and where did it lead us? it lead me straight to a big heartbrake, to lasting disappointment, trust issues and lasting anger until today haha although i can laugh about it now - but the most important aspect of my big heartbrake: it formed me to a more cautious, more confident, more assertive, more selective woman - i'm like jess 2.0 - don't you think women of that 2.0 type don't get confronted with douchebags, all women get confronted cuz a man can't know in advance by only looking at you that you are now an alpha wolf and not some pink pussy shit anymore. but the main difference here is alpha wolf lady might get confronted but she'll draw the lines of her boundaries faster than that motherfucker can plan out how to get between her legs and pull the famous "hit nd' quit it". let's see it this way it's a win-win situation, she doesn't waste her precious time and nerves and he can move on to an easier prey.

men will knock on your door, no matter if you're a beta kitten or an alpha wolf, because men try, because men often are too lazy to find new pussy, so it's easier to go back to what they already had once or more - but it's your own choice who you let in. remember what you've been through till now, remember those times when you were waiting for him to reply and he simply didn't although he was online non stop (oh i had that situation too), remember those times when he dumped plans with you last minute, remember pain because there is a reason why we feel pain - to safe us from more unnecassary pain, to safe us from making the same mistake twice. i know it's hard for many of us women, but once you become version 2.0 you'll never go back.

it's not about becoming mean - men same as women hate stupid mean antisocial bitches - it's about reconsidering your behavior and learning from your mistakes. learn to draw lines, boundarie lines, around you and your heart - become somewhat of a diva without coming over as mean or cocky. don't be a basic bitch - i don't care if you think you think like a boss, work like a boss and fuck like a boss - that's just a wack try to stand out of the crowd but at the end of the day you weren't able to kick out his stupid ass, you run after him, you give too many chances, you open your legs and his friends know you are an attention whore who gets laid whenever you give that sheep some candy - don't be a sheep that gets fucked by the nasty farmer cuz that's what happens to sheep

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