Freitag, 29. November 2013

#2 astrology - my blue print Part 2

Mars in Sagittarius

Mars rules our animal instincts for aggression, anger, and survival. Our sexual desires come under the rule of Mars.

People born with Mars in Sagittarius are usually wild cards full of surprisesYou never know what kind of tricks they have up their sleeve.  They are full of a lot of restless crazy energy. They are extreme adventurers always thirsty to try something new, go somewhere new, explore every aspect of the world. They are also deeply philosophical and always having moral dilemmas. They are a dichotomy.  They care very much about doing the right thing, but they also want to be free to do whatever they feel.  They usually are full of varied interest. They are never just one thing. They can be very conservative and traditional in one department of their life and an extreme radical in another.  They always have an amazing sense of humor though. They understand that laughing at life is the key to enjoying life. They tend to be very lucky people.  Their optimism tends to draw opportunities and they’re always happy to try them.
Mars in Sagittarius loves romance.  They love having sexual partners to share adventures with.  They love having deep philosophical conversations and wild passionate sex. (very very very much nailed how I tick - was lucky enough to experience this once in my life - my best friend can confirm that haha)  While Mars is in Sagittarius, he is always ready for an argument and excels at debate. While advocating for a cause is certainly admirable, during this time it is important to think before you speak. After all, the Archer is known for his bluntness, not his manners, and Mars passion is closely associated with Mars anger. Throw in some fiery impatience and you have the perfect recipe for hurt feelings, ruined relationships and perhaps a burned bridge or two. Mars in Sagittarius isn't known for patience. They are restless and adventurous. Physical activity is the best way for them to deal with anger. They always like to be busy, so they are constantly working on many projects all at once. They aren't known for their finished product, however. They get much more excited to begin something new rather than finish something old.

Jupiter in Cancer

Jupiter's position by sign in the natal chart (that is, the sign that Jupiter occupies in the birth chart) reveals how we express our generosity and tolerance. It shows how we go about trusting others and improving our lives.

Jupiter in Cancer individuals attract the most good fortune when they are sympathetic, charitable, use their powers to save and accumulate, and comfort others. Real estate and the food industry can be prosperous avenues. As a Water sign Jupiter, you have a strong belief in a higher power. You are most able to attract luck and rich life experiences to you through your intuition, imagination, and compassion. Helping those in need boosts your own morale. You've got a generous spirit that loves to feed, comfort and make others feel secure. You're gifted at creating a homey feeling wherever you go in the world. You sense the emotional undercurrents of a situation, and know when others are vulnerable. You're ambitious, and follow a path led by your powerful emotions and intuition. Your gifts translate well to deep healing and care; providing homes (from real estate to social work); business, artistic expression, high cuisine and food prep in general, remembering history and family.

Pluto in Scorpio

Pluto represents subconscious forces, ruling all that is "below the surface".
On the up side, Pluto is associated with renewal and rebirth. It represents endings and new beginnings, as well as spiritual growth and rebirth. Negative expression of Pluto is an obsessive desire for power and control and general destructiveness.

Early experiences may have led you to feel self-protective or to be secretive about yourself. A parent might have been secretive or ashamed, for example, and this pattern is deeply ingrained in your psyche. You might feel a sense of guilt for where you came from, even if most of you feels proud of your roots. A parent might have encouraged you to look beyond the surface of matters, and might have encouraged in you a love for psychology. A parent might have been very protective of you and attempted to shield you from negative experiences, and you subsequently grew to fear change. Or, your early experiences might have included a shocking, intense, or scary event that lives within you. Alternatively, you might have absorbed the strong fears or obsessions of a parent. Their emotional courage, deep understanding and the ability to face their own wounds as well as those they have given to others can create a strong person you want on your side.

Juno in Scorpio

Where you find Juno in your chart is where you may meet someone that you will remain with for a long relationship. She covers marriage, fashion and beauty. She is the patron of relationships and true love. Diplomacy is part of her sphere.

Juno in Scorpio needs an intense relationship with a lot of deep intimacy and sex. They may become manipulative and jealous, using sex as a way to control their partner. They want passion, loyalty and strength. They may be possessive, and must learn to trust over time. They like mystery and power. They may be demanding or high maintenance. Once they are won over, they are loyal and dedicated, though they may always be a bit suspicious.

Vesta in Pisces

Vesta brings out your purest potential and Essence into being.

Vesta in Pisces is dedicated to serving those in need. They may sacrifice themselves or show deep compassion in their service. They want to heal others. They hold their beliefs in high regard. They are spiritual and may be led into fantasy. They have an excellent imagination. They may not be sure of how they do what they do. They run the risk of not living in reality. They need to learn to awaken into themselves and connect the body with the mind and the spirit. 

Pallas in Aries

Where her influence falls is where you will find talents in the following areas.
With her spotlight on daddy's little girl, Pallas Athena will help determine how you interpret your relationship with your father, and in turn how you treat all males in general.

Pallas Athena in Aries charges in and tries to find the fastest solution. They get the action started for whatever purpose they need. They love competition and battle. They are innovative and inventive. They know how to mobilize the vital energy, whether it is for fighting, inspiration, artistically or for healing. They are pioneers. This is a good combination for artists, acupuncturists, homeopathy practitioners and athletes. Stressful aspects can indicate overly aggressive behavior and conflict with others. 

Chiron in Cancer

Everyone gets wounded in some manner. Whatever our wounds are, Chiron influences us to overcome our condition and go on.

Chiron in Cancer may feel like an outsider. They may feel unwanted, un-nurtured and unloved. On the good side, they are very nurturing themselves. It is difficult for them to let others care for them. They may give to everyone except themselves. They may end up taking in every stray that crosses their path. They need to learn to give to themselves and cherish their own needs. This helps balance them and make them whole. Opening themselves up to accept love and care from others is a big step towards healing that inner hurt. If they can learn to indulge themselves once in awhile, they will begin to realize what they have been missing all along.

Donnerstag, 21. November 2013

#23 inspired post - second winter

it's falling down
isn't it peaceful
lingering on my calm mind
oh how calm and cold it is
every flake on my lips
and it tastes like you 
tastes like the coldest winter you are now
ain't tastin like the sweetest winter you ever had
licking my lips one last time to taste it once more

ain't tasting like your lips back then
i look up and all i see is how you rainin on me
covering me with sweetest foolish promises
running down my cheeks down to my neck
now stop cuz you ain't good for me
you can't have me one last time
cuz you had me too many last times

snowing down on me 
kissing my lips
caressing my face
lingering on my shoulders
oh so calm and promising
don't pull me back cuz there is no us
oh so quiet we turned
oh so right we turned
cuz there will never ever be a you and me

first snow came and as it fell i fell
like i fell for you 
over the bridge on my way to paradise
ain't no one told me i was going to hell
what a delightful hell it was
not hot enough anymore to keep me blowin up

as i walk down the road i look up
but now all i see 
isn't hell, it's heaven
cuz you not around to mess my head
not around to rain on me
cuz it's snowing and i lick it off once more
but i'm not tasting you

i leave those footprints in the snow
i'm leaving you
like i already did before
ain't no way you gonna give it to me once more
cuz jess gotta see right through
tasting winter's sweetest taste
and no, it's not you
don't be a fool, 

Dienstag, 19. November 2013

#22 inspired post - like herpes from the past

pic/quote by
once blinded, twice hurt, three times full of regret and four times more doubtful - five times a reason to get stuck in the past. you carry it with you like herpes, it disappears and resurfaces time after time and more than that you affect your partner - you don't have any bad intentions but you do affect them with your subconcious defence against everything that reminds you of what you once sacrificed and what broke your heart and ego.

there is nothing in this world for your partner to do to take away the pain, the regret, the traumata you went through and that's ok because there are two sides that need to be considered - on one hand it tought you a life lesson, to see with your heart and mind and not go through life with your eyes closed to whats real, to whats right in front of you - but on the other hand it turned down everything beautiful about something so wonderful, so precious. it's unfair at the same time, as you gave away this gift to someone who wasn't worthy at all and now that this person broke you into pieces you talk down this gift like it's your doom. you'd rather cut off your left arm than giving away this gift once more to the right person, just because the wrong person didn't appreciate it - what did they have to contribute what your partner can't? are you that scared or are you just plain blind?

no matter what happened, we all have our own burden to carry with us - if you can't see your partners value , how lucky you should be and that you should never let go of this once in a lifetime chance, no rather you wait for something better to come or have your rescueplan in your pocket in case it fails - then you are indeed blind... blind hearted. take off that blindfold so you can truly love.

Freitag, 1. November 2013

#21 ladies only - trust no bitch

c'mon look at that laugh - ok silvie doesn't look any less evil but if you haven't heard it: her bff (on the right) is together with her ex husband (like wtf is wrong with you?!) and now she's preggo from him - hiiiiiigh five with a chair i'd say. deep shit friendship over here huh?! of course her ex isn't any better than her stupid bff.

however if they still get along or not - it's obviously: don't trust anything that bleeds once a months and didn't die yet! 

all women's vajayjays are as sneaky as the stupid bitch next door who you hate for pulling more attention than you ever received. unnecessary to mention that quality goes over quantity, remember? no one can speak for the entire humanity but trust me, being selfish, greedy and reckless is in our female dna - why? - we still have unconcious behavior from our ancestors from thousand and thousand of years ago, pairing ourselves only with the best male around so chances are bigger that the children will grow healthy and strong. they didn't give a fuck if they were sharing a man or if they had to ellbow bitchfight to get the best man - they wanted him and they did everything possible to succeed. no need to tell you how "loose" today's society is huh and that bitches still don't give a fuck?

people interact differently but i'm honestly not - let me repeat: n o t - a fan of sharing my man on any scale. sure others don't see it as a biggie to let their bf/gf go out with the opposite sex but c'mon why don't they see a problem with it? it's simple, if they don't tell you to not meet other guys/girls they are allowed themselves to do so without you havin a reason to bitch around. smart ass huh?! nah nah nah naaaaaah my dear - not with me - i don't fucking care if it has to do with trust issues or confidence issues, i give a fuck about my ego in that case so go ahead and call me jealous, needi or what - but i can tell you one thing: every man who contacts you or looks for a reason to talk to you or even see you wants something from you. wether it's flirting to push his wack ego or evening the way to get into your panties after he got you on his hook - ego stroking is even harder when you have a bf and the other guy succeeds with flirting or asking you out for a drink.

oh c'mon this whole "let's have a drink" especially with that stupid wink smiley - is the same as the old and almost forgotten "hey wanna come over and watch a movie?" aka "i wanna fuck...... oh sorry i mean love ... youhhuuu" bullshit - having a drink is just like a nasty "innocent" forplay before he or she tries to eyefucks you into his/her bed. as long as it's not the sister, mother or whatever kind of family member of your boyfriend, a girl with a dick between "her" legs or homosexual female - don't fucking trust her that she'll never even think about hooking up with your man. women are as thirsty for approval as men, getting positive feedback while flirting the last precum out of your boyfriend's dick is just as satisfying as when dude B gets you to flirt back, knowing you have a boyfriend at home. it's just about ego jerking - and you want to bet if it's only that or getting laid in the end?

so you say you don't care if it's only flirting - ok fine - but my ego in that matter is too big, i'm one catch of a woman and hell no i don't tolerate that other woman stroke their wack ego with the approval of my man. you have to see it this way, they abuse your boyfriend to get an ego stroke - they don't really care for him, neither do all the ego stroker guys care for you - all they want it to get approval from someone who looks good in their eyes. be the alpha wolf, be cleopatra or whatever you want to - other chicks using your man to get their pussies wet? hell no - they can try that wack shit with little pink princesses - we are godesses and a godess doesn't share anything but advice, money or food. i'm not one of those fellow weak beta kitties, so no, sharing is not an option.

but it's pointless when your man is a stupid douchebag whose ego is as wack as the one from bitch next door - so it requires a couple who both know where they belong and work as a team, so when your man has a problem with taking you with him on a "drink" with an "old friend" who has a vajayjay - dump him. i don't give my all, my heart, my soul, my life to a man who gives away ego stroking within seconds to another thirsty bitch - sounds plausible huh? it's called respect my dear, respect for the woman you love. and it's not enough to think you are queen godess if you don't tell your man how it works with you - i might be arrogant in that matter but i'm not a fool - it would be foolish to think that it's enough that you are the "baddest" around, no talk it out with your man, let him know your boundaries.

i'll never cause a scene because i know the toughest punishment for a man - walking away and leaving him back alone with his wack broken ego.