girl, god gave you intuition for a reason - to prevent you from doing things that turn out as a total failure.
we are far from perfect, so yes we get trapped into failure from time to time. but if you fell off your bike in childhood then you learned from it, so the next time you'll wear a helmet and avoid thrilling but dangerous ramps - hopefully, if you aren't a freak and enjoy pain and adrenalin. but this isn't a holla at my hoes blog, this is a blog for women who know what they want in life and get their asses up and achieve that motherfucking status as THE lady in a man's life.
and of course one might say you learn by experience - so you should collect a handful of that - but if you did some "experience collecting" and you just cry after man nr 3 then there is definitely something wrong in the way you learn - cuz regarding the circumstances - you didn't learn anything. i'm talking about the typical "red flag" problems women face since ever, there is always the possibility that you broke up for bad reasons (family or whatever). but you know and i know that most break ups were just a matter of time - worse are those hilarious on-off hoppers. hearing your bff girl complaining on the phone since.. ehm.. ever? and probably you aren't any better but you still keep up the hope for true love to hit you sideways.
i'm just tired of excuses - excuses us women come up with to cover up shitty behavior from our so called partner. desperate women will search for proven-love-evidence to show that he's not all that of a shitty fucktard. well infact as i like to say, if you put sugar on shit that sucker won't turn into a brownie.
laying down the most simple and easiest principles that will surely provent you from grabbing the next wannabe-shit-brownie
#1 if he looks like a womanizer - he is a womanizer
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ok in his case i'd say he is a girlnizer but you get what i point out - when he has the vibe of a so called player, talks like one - although weak vajayjay will get wet like a waterfall - 99% he is a damn player. you see it in the way he walks, poses, amount of selfies he has on facebook or just in general how in love he is with himself and shows off. they show off their balls like historical dinosaurs who want to attract a mate - yo this is 2014 the more he shows off the more he turns me off cause in the end the world evolves around him - only him - oh did i mention... him?! no you don't want an egocentric womanizer where you have to chop off his groupie bitches like machete would do. nah nah headache ahead - big time. and if you think u da gamechanger - sorry hun you ain't a damn gamechanger cuz if so you wouldn't have to read my blog.
#2 sexting on the phone - phone l.o.v.e
i know your vajayjay probably starves for a little wetty wets but don't - never - give in to sexting as long as you two aren't in a commited relationship. the faster you give in the lower he'll handle you on his hitlist - once you're mainly pussy in his eyes you'll hardly move on from there. sad but you don't even need to sleep with him to get stuck in the pussyzone, you already opened your legs via phone. it's like running low on gas in a fucking desert. it's bad enough if you are an emotional whore / physical whore but don't turn into a phone whore. i know it's thrilling and exciting to flirt on the phone but the more you communicate via phone the lesser you'll have chances to bond with him in person. fucktards will mostly use their damn phone to communicate with you, texting you 24/7 in the beginning and then either they hit nd quit it and got bored of your too willing vajayjay or you showed him your lovely emotional whore side. keep texting to the minimum, acceptable are sweet good mornings/goodnights and planing dates with you. so you talk with your crush on the phone 24/7 - uh you must be so close - nah forget that shit. real effort requires real time together, face to face.
#3 wack effort - wack budget dates
there's nothing wrong with being low on money but there's def something wrong with being all greedy and being monty-burns-like. if a guy realy wants you then a quickie at MC DO isn't enough! it's not enough to simply want to fulfill the "necessary" amounts of dates and simply fulfill it with cheapos like MC DO - ehm sorry u ain't messing with a cheap hoe hoe over here. it's about the effort you put into our date and no - "it's whatever u like" - too easy too cheap. oh another cheapo is "wanna come over and watch some dvd "ehm dude, no I ain't gonna suck ur dick just like that." - girls it's about quality time, it's about quality effort he wants to put into getting to know you. how much is he really interested into getting to know you, the real you behind all those shy giggles and makeup. bringing up some effort gets those players some cheap pussy and at times dramatic pussy. girl you ain't one of those cheapos.